Perez: Losing Racing Point Seat Came As A Surprise

Mexican driver Sergio Perez has said he was surprised when he was told by Racing Point that they would not be retaining him for the 2021 Formula One season.

He said he only found out on Wednesday – the day the news broke – that he would not have a seat at the Silverstone-based team next year.

READ: Will Sergio Perez Join Red Bull Or Haas In 2021?

“I got a call from Lawrence [Stroll] and he told me yesterday [Wednesday] they were going into [in] another direction.

“I didn’t expect that. But it is how it is.”

Continuing, he said, “That was the feedback I was getting, that everything was looking [good], that the team wanted to keep me.

“There were some discussions in the background about contracts and so on that I’m not willing to disclose because I think those things should remain between the team and myself. There were a couple of things in the contract that we went through.”

Perez said he was disappointed to be leaving the team now, as they have a “great car” and will “definitely” be even stronger next year.

“In that regard, it hurts a bit more knowing you are leaving a good car but you never know in the future. Things in Formula 1 change so quickly, let’s see what the future holds for both of us.”

Perez could be in the mix for Alex Albon’s Red Bull seat , though a drive at Haas or Williams is looking more likely.

Earlier today, it was confirmed that outgoing Ferrari driver Sebastian Vettel will join the team next year on a multi-year deal to partner Lance Stroll .

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