2021 Formula 1 Regulations to be presented in October

Sport news Following discussions during the Canadian Grand Prix in Montréal and a meeting today, 13 June, in Paris between the FIA, Formula 1, Team Principals and Technical Directors from the ten teams, the championship’s single tyre supplier and a number of  drivers – Lewis Hamilton, Nico Hulkenberg and Alexander Wurz - it has been unanimously agreed to defer the final presentation of the Technical, Sporting and Financial regulations for the FIA Formula 1 World Championship for 2021 and beyond until the end of October 2019.
While the FIA Formula 1 World Championship’s key stakeholders feel the core objectives outlined for the future set of regulations of the championship have been defined, in the interests of the sport it was agreed that the best outcome will be achieved by using the extra time for further refinement and additional consultation.
Furthermore, following today’s first meeting featuring the aforementioned stakeholders, a series of additional meetings will be held over the coming months. FIA Formula One World Championship
Formula 1 F1 Regulations F1 SEASON 2019 Sport Circuit 1SportFIA Formula One World ChampionshipCircuitF1SEASON 2019Formula 1F1Regulations00 Thursday, June 13, 2019 - 7:18pm Thursday, June 13, 2019 - 7:18pm

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