Yuki Tsunoda reveals how he would ‘burn’ his brain in England

AlphaTauri’s Yuki Tsunoda has shared a candid insight into the hurdles he faced when he first attended a Formula One race, where the deafening noise made him contemplate leaving. 

Tsunoda, who has since participated in 58 F1 races, debuted in Bahrain at the start of the 2021 season, but there was a time when the world of F1 left him uncertain about his career path.

His inaugural F1 experience took place at the Japanese Grand Prix in Suzuka, where he witnessed the spectacle of the sport up close. 

However, his initial impressions were far from pleasant. 

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Speaking at the Festival dello Sport in Trento, Tsunoda revealed his early aversion to the thunderous roar of the F1 engines.

He candidly admitted, “When for the first time my father took me to Suzuka to watch a race, I thought the noise was terrible, so much so that I said, ‘let’s go away, I can’t stand it any longer.’ 

“Then things change, and the noise becomes music. Incredible, right? One moment I was among the fans, and the next, I was an F1 driver; it all happened so quickly that I don’t even realize it.”

Tsunoda’s team, AlphaTauri, is one of two teams owned by Red Bull, with the other being Red Bull Racing, home to the three-time consecutive world champion, Max Verstappen. 

Tsunoda revealed that Verstappen’s public image does not reflect his true personality. 

He shared a humorous anecdote about how Verstappen introduced him to the pleasures of a gin and tonic, an experience he appreciates.

Tsunoda said, “Verstappen is not as he appears; he is a very nice guy. 

“It was he who made me discover some excellent gin and tonic on his private jet. 

“I will forever thank him for this.”

Yuki Tsunoda, originally from Japan, now resides in Italy, where AlphaTauri is based. 

He expressed his fondness for the Italian way of life, especially its cuisine. 

He noted that the transition to Italy was smooth and how he enjoys the local food and drinks.

Speaking to Italian fans, he added, “It was very easy to adapt here. I’m crazy about your cooking, pasta and pizza, obviously. 

“I also lived in England, but there is no comparison with Italian food, not at all. 

“And then I like to go out and see people drinking, or rather, I like to drink a good glass of Prosecco. 

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“I repeat, in England I had a different lifestyle: I always stayed at home, I played with the PlayStation. 

“Better in Italy, also because I no longer burn my brain with video games. 

“And I realised that I’m also doing better on the track.”
The post Yuki Tsunoda reveals how he would ‘burn’ his brain in England appeared first on Formula1News.co.uk .

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