INTERNATIONAL COURT OF APPEAL - Hearing February 29, 2024

Sport news Hearing Case ICA-2024-01: Appeal lodged on behalf of Energylandia Rally Team against Decision No. 8 dated 13 January 2024 of the Stewards of the 2024 Rally Dakar counting towards the 2024 FIA World Rally-Raid Championship Case ICA-2024-02: Appeal lodged on behalf of Energylandia Rally Team against Decision No. 7 dated 13 January 2024 of the Stewards of the 2024 Rally Dakar counting towards the 2024 FIA World Rally-Raid Championship On 13 January 2024, the Stewards received a report (document No. 6.5) from the FIA Technical Delegate, stating that the clutch systems of Cars No. 302 (Crew Eryk Goczal/Oriol Mena) and 310 (Crew Michal Gogzal/Szymon Gospodarzyk) were not in conformity with Article 286-2-3 of Appendix J of the International Sporting Code. Therefore, the Stewards decided to disqualify both Cars (Decisions No. 7 and 8) and the appellant was reminded of its right to appeal these decisions. On 17 January 2024, the Appellant lodged an appeal against the Stewards’ Decisions before the ICA. On 25 January 2024, the Appellant and the FIA were informed that the ICA had decided, pursuant to Article 10.6.1 of the Judicial and Disciplinary Rules, that the issue of the admissibility of the appeals had to be decided by means of a preliminary decision. When 09.00 hrs Thursday, 29 February 2024 Where By videoconference Decision The decision will be published as soon as possible after the hearing. Accreditation Requests for accreditation must be sent by email to the FIA Press Office ( ) on the official letterhead paper of the publication or other medium requesting accreditation, no later than Wednesday 28 February 2024 at noon (French time). The accreditation request must be signed by the Chief Editor or the Head of a Department (specify which) of the relevant publication, or medium. The accreditation request must include the following: i) the hearing and the date for which the accreditation is requested; ii) name of the journalist and photocopy of their professional press card (currently valid); iii) email address to which the FIA can send an answer.   ICA International Court of Appeal Sport 1SportInternational Court of AppealICA00 Wednesday, February 28, 2024 - 8:55am Wednesday, February 28, 2024 - 8:55am

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