Daniel Ricciardo and Yuki Tsunoda settle their differences

Daniel Ricciardo and Yuki Tsunoda have settled their differences following a heated incident at the Bahrain Grand Prix, as the Formula One circus heads to Saudi Arabia for the next race.

The conflict arose when Tsunoda was instructed to let Ricciardo, who had a tyre advantage, pass him.

The situation escalated during the cooldown lap as Tsunoda aggressively overtook Ricciardo, prompting the Australian to call him a “f***ing helmet.”

However, the teammates have since conducted clear-the-air talks, with Ricciardo expressing that these discussions have left the team in a stronger position.

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Ricciardo emphasized the importance of addressing both the team orders and the aggressive move on the track, stating, “It was important for us to talk about that, but then also the in-lap, just to be clear that, even if it’s heat of the moment, these things can have bigger consequences.

“So we talked, personally, privately, doors closed, very openly, transparently. We left Saturday night feeling like it’s done.”

Aware of the global broadcast of team radio, Ricciardo noted his restraint during the incident to avoid escalating the situation further.

This event marked the first major conflict between Ricciardo and Tsunoda since Ricciardo joined the team.

Despite this, Ricciardo praised Tsunoda for his willingness to discuss the matter openly.

Reflecting on his maturity and the importance of team unity in a competitive season, Ricciardo believes their resolution has benefited the team significantly.

“What happened at the end of the race, yes, it wasn’t great, but actually then two hours later, how we walked out of that meeting, I think actually put the team in a better place than it was even on Saturday morning,” Ricciardo said.

Tsunoda also shared his perspective, acknowledging his frustration with the team orders but ultimately understanding the team’s decision.

He admitted to being heated during the race but confirmed his commitment to team unity and better handling of similar situations in the future.

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“We talked about it after the race with the team. We’re still unified and we’re on the same page now.

“We understand each other,” Tsunoda said, adding his readiness to comply with team orders moving forward.

This resolution highlights the professionalism and maturity within the team, ensuring that internal dynamics do not hinder their performance as they tackle the challenges of the Formula One season.
The post Daniel Ricciardo and Yuki Tsunoda settle their differences appeared first on Formula1News.co.uk .

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