Toto Wolff makes ‘all is good’ claim amid Ferrari rumours

Toto Wolff, the influential figure within the Mercedes Formula 1 team, has recently provided a reassuring update regarding Jerome D’Ambrosio’s career trajectory, emphasizing that “all is good” and highlighting that D’Ambrosio has yet to finalize his plans for the future.

Amidst swirling rumors, there has been significant speculation regarding D’Ambrosio’s potential departure from Mercedes, with discussions suggesting a notable move to Ferrari, where he would collaborate with Lewis Hamilton after the latter’s decision to leave Brackley at the end of the 2024 season.

Earlier reports by RacingNews365 had stirred the motorsport community with news that D’Ambrosio, 38, was on the verge of joining Ferrari, possibly even before the conclusion of the 2024 summer break.

This transition marks him as the first to follow Hamilton from Mercedes to Ferrari since Hamilton’s move was made public in early February.

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However, it’s understood that D’Ambrosio’s considerations for moving are driven by a desire to return to mainland Europe, rather than direct linkage to Hamilton’s switch.

Wolff shed light on D’Ambrosio’s current situation with Mercedes, stating, “I think he’s with us at the moment.

The situation is more for personal reasons, that he’s evaluating the options of what to do. I think it’s something he should speak about but all is good. We’ll see where that goes.”

Jerome D’Ambrosio has had a notable journey within motorsport management, rapidly ascending to prominent roles following the end of his racing career in 2020.

Transitioning from a successful stint as a driver with Marussia and Lotus F1, D’Ambrosio quickly moved up the ranks in team management.

His managerial acumen was recognized at Venturi Racing in Formula E, where he was promoted from deputy team principal to the principal role in a short span.

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By 2023, his relationship with Wolff and subsequent informal involvement with Mercedes’ F1 team led to his appointment as the driver development director, overseeing the nurturing of the team’s promising junior talent.

D’Ambrosio’s visible presence alongside Wolff, particularly stepping in as interim team principal during Wolff’s absence for knee surgery, underscores his integral role within the team.

Despite the current uncertainties and speculation about his future, Wolff’s comments suggest a fluid situation, with possibilities of D’Ambrosio aligning with Hamilton at Ferrari in the forthcoming season still on the horizon.
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