Geri Horner sets firm boundaries in marriage with Christian Horner

Amid public scrutiny, Geri Horner has been showing a united front with her husband, Christian Horner, despite facing challenges in their marriage.

Behind the scenes, however, Geri is taking decisive action to ensure the stability of their relationship following an alleged “sexting” scandal involving Christian, a high-profile F1 boss.

The couple has been visible together at significant events, including the Bahrain and Saudi Arabia Grand Prix races, which were documented for a Netflix series, showcasing their solidarity during this turbulent time.

An insider revealed to Closer that while Geri publicly supports Christian, she has established clear boundaries privately to safeguard her well-being, should the situation deteriorate.

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She has reportedly set a series of stringent rules for Christian to follow, aimed at preventing any further issues.

These measures include prohibiting any personal communication with female colleagues, sharing passwords, adhering to a curfew, and encouraging open, honest dialogue.

Initially, Christian was taken aback by these rules, interpreting them as a lack of trust, which led to tension between the couple.

However, Geri expressed that her actions were born out of a need for self-protection and urged Christian to empathize with her feelings of humiliation and embarrassment.

Christian has since agreed to comply with Geri’s conditions in an effort to rebuild trust.

The couple’s eight-year marriage was previously strained by accusations against Christian of “coercive behaviour” towards a female employee, though he was cleared of these allegations.

Nevertheless, the leak of inappropriate messages added to their distress, with Christian maintaining his innocence throughout.

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Despite these challenges, Geri, who shares a seven-year-old son, Monty, with Christian, remains cautious.

She has prepared a contingency plan, reflecting her continued concern for their marriage’s future.

Sources close to Geri state she is seeking greater openness from Christian as she contemplates the future of their relationship, indicating that while she is not ready to give up, she demands full transparency and accountability.
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