Is Hamilton’s Difficult Start to the 2024 F1 Season a Red Flag for Ferrari Fans?

The Formula 1 season is in full swing, and one of the biggest talking points so far has been Lewis Hamilton’s challenging start to the 2024 campaign.

But what does this mean for Ferrari fans eagerly awaiting his arrival? Let’s dive into the discussion and see if there’s cause for concern.

A Closer Look at the Early Season Struggles

Lewis Hamilton’s start to the 2024 Formula 1 season has been far from smooth sailing. The seven-time world champion has encountered a string of setbacks, with his most recent disappointment coming at Albert Park. Eliminated in Q2 during Saturday’s qualifying session, Hamilton’s woes continued on race day as he was forced to retire on Lap 17 due to a power unit failure, leaving him outside the top 10.

This follows lacklustre performances in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, where Hamilton finished seventh and ninth respectively. To make matters worse, Hamilton has been consistently outperformed by his Mercedes teammate, George Russell, in the opening races of his final season with the team. For Ferrari fans eagerly anticipating Hamilton’s arrival, these early struggles may raise a few eyebrows.

Hamilton’s Worst Campaign After Three Events

Statistically speaking, Hamilton’s performance in the opening three events of the 2024 season is his worst to date. With finishes outside the top five and being outshone by his teammate, it’s evident that Hamilton is facing some challenges on the track.

For Ferrari fans hoping for a seamless improvement of 32Red Sports racing odds when Hamilton joins the Scuderia, these early results may be cause for concern.

Implications for Hamilton’s Move

Hamilton’s difficult start to the season begs the question: what does this mean for his impending move to Ferrari? As one of the most highly anticipated transfers in recent memory, Hamilton’s switch to the iconic Italian team has generated immense excitement among fans. However, his struggles with Mercedes raise doubts about whether he’ll hit the ground running with Ferrari.

While Ferrari boasts a strong package and talented drivers in Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz, Hamilton’s lacklustre performances may raise questions about his ability to immediately make an impact upon joining the team. For Ferrari fans hoping for a championship challenge with Hamilton at the helm, these concerns may cast a shadow of doubt over the upcoming season.

Keeping Perspective Amidst Early Struggles

Despite Hamilton’s rocky start to the 2024 season, it’s essential to keep things in perspective. Formula 1 is a dynamic sport, and fortunes can change in an instant. Hamilton is a seasoned professional with a track record of bouncing back from adversity, and there’s no doubt that he’ll be working tirelessly with his team to address any issues and improve his performance on track.

For Ferrari fans, it’s crucial to remember that Hamilton’s arrival represents an exciting new chapter for the team, and there’s still plenty of time for him to find his rhythm and make a significant impact. While the early struggles may raise concerns, it’s essential to trust in Hamilton’s champion mentality and resilience to overcome any obstacles that come his way.


In conclusion, Lewis Hamilton’s difficult start to the 2024 Formula 1 season may raise a few red flags for Ferrari fans eagerly awaiting his arrival. With lacklustre performances and struggles on the track, there’s no denying that Hamilton is facing some challenges in his final season with Mercedes.

However, it’s essential to keep perspective and remember that Formula 1 is a long and unpredictable season. As Hamilton prepares to make the switch to Ferrari, there’s still plenty of time for him to find his form and make a significant impact on the championship race. So, Ferrari fans, while the early struggles may be cause for concern, it’s essential to keep the faith and stay optimistic about what the future holds for Hamilton and the Scuderia.
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