Fernando Alonso Teases Possible FIA Disqualification

Fernando Alonso humorously suggested he might be “disqualified from the championship” by the FIA for aiding Oscar Piastri with DRS during the Japanese Grand Prix’s final laps.

The two-time world champion arrived at the Japanese GP paddock bearing frustration from a 20-second post-race penalty and three super license points received for a contentious defense against George Russell in the previous race in Melbourne.

In Japan, Alonso employed smart tactics towards the race’s end.

He was in sixth place with Piastri closely trailing in seventh and Russell in eighth, rapidly approaching with fresher tyres.

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Alonso, taking inspiration from Carlos Sainz’s strategy at the 2023 Singapore Grand Prix, slowed down to grant DRS to Piastri, aiming to fend off Russell.

This strategy appeared effective, potentially securing their positions until Piastri made a mistake on the second-last lap, giving Russell an overtaking opportunity. Nevertheless, Alonso managed to retain his position, adding eight points to Aston Martin’s tally.

Post-race, when questioned about his deliberate actions, Alonso jestingly criticized the FIA stewards by saying, “I don’t know what to say, after Australia.

Maybe they disqualify me from the Championship.” Piastri, benefiting from Alonso’s tactics, confirmed the intent, observing Alonso’s energy usage aimed at keeping him within DRS range to block Russell’s advance.

However, Piastri admitted to a minor error in the final chicane.

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Despite showcasing remarkable skill at Suzuka, Alonso expressed dissatisfaction with his overall situation. Reflecting on his performance and the race outcome during a Sky Sports F1 interview, he remarked, “I had a lot of fun, which is great.

“I had one of my best weekends ever, I think, [in terms of] driving, and I’m still 44 seconds behind the leader. It doesn’t feel attractive.

“Let’s see,” highlighting his mixed feelings about his competitiveness and future in the sport.
The post Fernando Alonso Teases Possible FIA Disqualification appeared first on Formula1News.co.uk .

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