Ferrari Team Boss Admits to Challenging Season for Sainz, Enthusiastic About Hamilton’s Arrival

Frederic Vasseur, the team boss of Ferrari, recently admitted to putting Carlos Sainz in a challenging position this season.

This acknowledgment comes in light of the team’s decision to bring Lewis Hamilton onboard starting 2025.

Vasseur has faced media scrutiny regarding the impending replacement of Sainz with seven-time world champion Hamilton but has remained mostly reserved until his recent interview with Radio France.

In the interview, Vasseur expressed the strategic importance of Hamilton’s future role at Ferrari.

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“He remarked, “Hamilton’s arrival is very important for the team.”

He elaborated that Hamilton’s inclusion would not only add stability and a wealth of experience but also boost the team’s performance and success aspirations.

“In addition to the speed, he will bring calm to the team, experience from someone who has won a lot and an impressive track record.

“We need that at Ferrari to move forward and achieve more results,” he explained.

Vasseur also showed optimism about the potential collaboration between Charles Leclerc and Hamilton, stating, “I’m also super happy because I’m convinced that Charles and Lewis will get along well.”

This dynamic is particularly noteworthy as Sainz has demonstrated strong performances, sometimes outpacing Leclerc, adding to the complexity of the transition.

Vasseur discussed Hamilton’s broader impact on the team, emphasizing his year-round influence, not just during races or qualifying sessions.

“Then it will not just be about performance in the car during qualifying or the race, but also about the total picture – so 365 days a year. And I think Lewis is an absolute master in this,” he stated.

Amid these changes, Vasseur praised Sainz for his professionalism and team spirit during what has undoubtedly been a difficult period.

He acknowledged, “Since the beginning of this year, they have known how to keep playing the team game,” commending the seamless execution of team orders that required no further discussion and contributed to the team’s harmony.

“They did that very well in Australia. And in Japan we also asked them to switch positions because they were on different strategies,” he added.

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Vasseur concluded with a nod to the necessity of peace within the team, highlighting how efficiently the team has managed internal communications to maintain tranquility.

“That radio message lasted no longer than a quarter of a second and did not cause any discussions.

“We need that peace,” he noted, underscoring the importance of cohesion as Ferrari prepares for a significant evolution in its lineup.
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