Max Verstappen Weighs Future at Red Bull Amid Adrian Newey’s Departure

Red Bull Racing is set to face a significant transition as designer Adrian Newey has announced his departure, set for early 2025.

Newey, a pivotal figure in the team, has contributed significantly to its success over more than a decade.

This move raises questions about the future direction of the team and its impact on star driver Max Verstappen, who is contracted until 2028.

The announcement stirred immediate speculation about potential changes within the team.

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Jos Verstappen, Max’s father, expressed concerns to the media that Red Bull could risk “falling apart” without Newey.

Such comments have intensified discussions around the stability and future competitiveness of Red Bull.

However, Max Verstappen has maintained a diplomatic stance amidst the unfolding situation.

Speaking ahead of the 2024 Miami Formula One Grand Prix, Verstappen revealed on that he has not yet considered leaving the team.

He praised Newey’s influence but acknowledged the need for personal decisions to be respected.

Reflecting on Newey’s departure, Verstappen shared on The Fast and the Curious Podcast his final words to Newey, emphasizing personal happiness over professional commitments.

“I also told him ‘at the end of the day, you have to do what you think is best for yourself and your family, we’re not going to tell you that you have to stay if you don’t want to stay.

“Live life, if you think you have to go, go’.”

This philosophy extends beyond Newey, as Verstappen advocates for anyone at Red Bull considering their future. He supports pursuing personal contentment, even if it leads away from the team.

Despite Verstappen’s reassurances, the speculation around his future persists, fueled by reports of Mercedes’ increased interest.

Toto Wolff, Mercedes team principal, is reportedly preparing a record-breaking contract offer to lure Verstappen as a successor to Lewis Hamilton.

Within Red Bull, Pierre Wache, the current technical director, is expected to assume a more significant role post-Newey, which may comfort those worried about the team’s technical leadership.

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Verstappen’s faith in Wache is a positive sign, but other uncertainties loom.

Notably, a clause in Verstappen’s contract allows him an exit should Helmut Marko leave, hinting at potential further upheavals.

As Red Bull prepares for the new 2026 regulations, rumors suggest potential setbacks in engine development, adding to the speculations about Verstappen’s long-term commitment to the team.
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