Most common Formula 1 injuries all drivers should be aware of

Formula 1, also known as F1 among fans, represents the highest class of international racing, with the cars being the world’s fastest regulated vehicles, able to achieve incredibly high cornering speeds owing to a large amount of aerodynamic workforce. The 2022 season brought significant changes that have resulted in increasing use of the ground effect to reduce turbulence, with the cars depending on suspension, traction control, aerodynamics and automatic shifting to perform adequately. The average cost of running a team is approximately £220,000,000, but even with the high costs and the fact that the whole process can seem like a well-oiled machine to outsiders, accidents can still occur. 

There’s no doubt that F1 is a dangerous sport, with the crashes at high speed being so hazardous that they can result in instant fatalities. However, while not all injuries are so severe and carry such a high risk of death, even the small ones can have an impact on the lives of the drivers and cause considerable discomfort. Here are the most noteworthy that all participants should be aware of. 


This neck injury appears as a result of sudden and intense head movement that goes in one direction and then back again very quickly. Motor vehicle accidents are one of the main culprits for whiplash injuries, with the symptoms ranging from the very mild, like dizziness, neck stiffness and shoulder pain, to the severe, such as body tingling, vision problems and muscle weakness. If you believe your whiplash was the result of someone else’s negligence, you can file a compensation claim at   that allows you to receive the maximum amount of remuneration depending on the extent of your injuries and the presence or absence of any long-term health effects. 

During the first couple of days after your injury, you should try to rest as much as possible but don’t disregard the importance of remaining active as well. Continue normal activities as much as you can, but avoid any activity that could exacerbate symptoms. You can also use heat or cold therapy applied on the sore area every fifteen minutes every three hours in order to release muscle tension. Muscle relaxants can soothe the pain, but if that’s not enough, you should see a doctor for a prescription so you can take something stronger that can alleviate nerve pain. 

Shoulder injuries 

Shoulder injuries can be pretty damaging to your overall well-being and result in pain that spreads to your back, arm or head. Very often, the damage results as a result of manoeuvres done at high speeds, which cause tears or sprains to the shoulder rotator cuff. The tears won’t heal without surgery, but nonsurgical treatments can diminish the discomfort and strengthen the muscles. You may experience more severe pain at night, especially when lying on the affected shoulder and arm. The pain is also likely to be more intense when lowering or lifting the arm, as well as weakness when attempting to rotate the joint. 

In the case of sprains, you can notice a cracking sound when moving your arm, decreased movement ability, weakness and recurrent pain. The treatment scheme, in this case, includes plenty of rest, anti-inflammatory medication, corticosteroid injections and strengthening exercises. Stretching can help as well, but make sure you do it in the presence of a professional to avoid inadvertently doing more harm than good. 

Knee injuries 

Your knees can become painful due to the overuse that comes with operating the pedals and maintaining a single position for an extended period of time. Knee strains are the most common injuries you can encounter, as they are the result of a pull or tear in the tendons or muscle fibres. Although it might seem like no big issue at all. Strains can dramatically impact your activity levels and result in no small amount of pain. Swelling, bruising, difficulty walking, stiffness, instability and persistent aches are the most common symptoms, but if your injury is more severe, the pain can become excruciating. Compression, elevation and immobilisation can speed your recovery period and provide much-welcome relief from the pain, 

Physical therapy can remedy any lasting pain that remains after you have completed the healing period. In the case of a big tear, surgery might be the only solution. If you’ve torn a ligament, you will definitely require surgical treatment in order to get your life back on track. Formula 1 drivers often encounter patellofemoral pain that presents with irritation around the kneecap. Cold packs and compression can help, but many patients require rehabilitation exercises as well. During the recovery period, you might also benefit from trying some knee-friendly sports, such as swimming, to help your muscles relax and unwind and allow you to recover your normal range of movement. 


Also known as contusions, bruises are a typical result of both minor and extensive accidents. Apart from the standard skin discoloration, swelling and pain are common as well, and if your injury is quite serious, the skin might be very tender to the touch. Cold compresses can slow down the blood flow to the injured body part, resulting in a smaller and more manageable contusion, but it also helps to keep the areas elevated to minimise bruising and swelling. The best way to do this is to keep the bruised area elevated at all times, such as propped up on pillows. 

Pain medicine can help reduce the discomfort if the area is very tender, and you can also consider using a healing pad to speed up the healing process and soothe the area. Warmth contributes to better blood flow, helping the body heal the injury considerably faster, but you should avoid using it during the first forty-eight hours as you risk extending the bruised area. If you’ve got any additional concerns, you can also ask your physician what treatment would suit you best. 

Formula 1 is a dangerous sport, but the fans keep tuning in to watch the competitions, drawn in by the excitement and adrenaline that come with F1. While the most dangerous wounds tend to be the ones that are well-documented, there’s also a plethora of other injuries that can occur which aren’t hazardous but can result in considerable discomfort. Being aware of them is the first step of prevention. 
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